What Are the 7 Love Styles

What Are the 7 Love Styles

Love styles are the different ways people show and feel love in relationships. They include things like how affectionate someone is or how they handle conflicts with their partner. Knowing about these love styles is important because they can shape how happy and healthy our relationships are. 

When we understand our love style and our partner’s, we can communicate better and solve problems more easily. It helps us figure out what we need in a relationship and what our partner needs too. This can make our relationships stronger and more satisfying. By learning about love styles, we can become better partners and build deeper connections with the people we care about.

Passionate Love

Passionate love is a type of intense and fervent emotional attachment characterized by strong feelings of desire, excitement, and infatuation towards another person. It often involves a heightened sense of physical attraction and a deep longing to be close to the object of affection. 

Individuals experiencing passionate love may feel a rush of exhilaration and joy when interacting with their partner, accompanied by sensations such as butterflies in the stomach or a racing heart. This form of love is typically marked by intense emotional highs and a sense of euphoria, leading individuals to prioritize the fulfillment of their romantic desires and fantasies.

While passionate love can be exhilarating and all-consuming, it is important to recognize that it may not always be sustainable in the long term. The intense emotions associated with passionate love can fluctuate over time, and relationships built solely on passion may face challenges as the initial fervor subsides.

Game-Playing Love

Game-playing love also known as Ludus love, is characterized by a playful and flirtatious approach to relationships. Individuals who exhibit Ludus love often enjoy the excitement of the chase and view love as a game to be won or conquered. 

They may engage in behaviors such as flirting, teasing, and testing their partner’s reactions to gauge their interest and maintain a sense of control. Ludus lovers typically value their independence and may be hesitant to commit fully to a single partner, preferring to keep their options open and explore different romantic opportunities.

In relationships guided by Ludus love, there is often a focus on spontaneity and novelty, with individuals seeking excitement and variety in their interactions with their partners. However, this playful attitude towards love can also lead to a lack of emotional depth and commitment, as Ludus lovers may prioritize the thrill of the chase over developing meaningful connections.

Companionate Love

Companionate love often referred to as Storge love, is characterized by a deep sense of affection, warmth, and companionship between partners. Unlike passionate or romantic love, which is marked by intense emotions and desire, companionate love is rooted in friendship, mutual respect, and shared experiences. Individuals who experience companionate love prioritize the well-being and happiness of their partner. Value the comfort and stability that come from a long-term, committed relationship.

In companionate love relationships, partners may have a strong emotional bond built on trust, understanding, and acceptance of each other’s flaws and imperfections. They often support each other through life’s challenges and celebrate each other’s successes, fostering a sense of security and belonging. While the passion and excitement of romantic love may diminish over time, companionate love tends to deepen and mature. Offering a sense of fulfillment and contentment derived from a deep emotional connection.

Practical Love

Practical love, also known as Pragma love, is characterized by a pragmatic and rational approach to relationships. Individuals who exhibit Pragma love prioritize compatibility, shared values, and practical considerations when seeking a partner. Instead of being driven solely by emotions or passion. 

They carefully assess potential partners based on criteria such as financial stability, education, social status, and long-term goals. Pragma lovers value practicality and pragmatism over romantic notions of love, seeking a partner who will be a suitable life companion and fulfill their practical needs and aspirations.

In practical love relationships, partners often approach their relationship with a sense of realism and practicality, focusing on building a stable and functional partnership rather than chasing romantic ideals. Communication and negotiation play a crucial role in practical love, as partners openly discuss their expectations, goals, and concerns to ensure compatibility and alignment of values. 

Obsessive Love

Obsessive love, also known as Mania love, is characterized by an intense and overwhelming fixation on a romantic partner. Individuals experiencing Mania love may become consumed by thoughts of their partner, often to the point of obsession. They may exhibit possessive and controlling behaviors, constantly seeking reassurance of their partner’s love and loyalty. 

This type of love is marked by insecurity, jealousy, and fear of abandonment, leading individuals to engage in behaviors such as constant monitoring of their partner’s activities, excessive calling or texting, and intrusive questioning.

There is often an imbalance of power and control, with one partner dominating the other emotionally. Individuals experiencing Mania love may struggle with self-esteem issues and rely heavily on their partner for validation and validation. 

Selfless Love

Selfless love, also known as Agape love, is characterized by unconditional care, compassion, and altruism towards others. Unlike other forms of love that may be based on mutual attraction or shared interests. Agape love transcends personal desires and expectations. 

Focusing instead on the well-being and happiness of the beloved without expecting anything in return. Individuals who exhibit Agape love demonstrate acts of kindness, empathy, and self-sacrifice towards others, regardless of their relationship or personal gain.

In selfless love relationships, individuals prioritize the needs and welfare of their loved ones above their own, often going to great lengths to support and nurture them. Agape love fosters a deep sense of connection and unity with others, leading individuals to experience profound joy and fulfillment in serving and uplifting those around them.


The seven love styles help us how people love and connect. Each style, from passionate to selfless, offers a different way to experience love in relationships. Knowing these styles helps us understand ourselves and our partners better.

It allows for better communication and empathy, making it easier to solve problems together. Whether we’re experiencing the excitement of passionate love or the stability of companionate love, each style adds depth to our relationships.

By knowing these styles, we can build healthier and more satisfying connections with others. It’s about respecting each other’s needs and preferences, fostering understanding and genuine bonds.

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