Welcome to Timesparkle.com!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of Timesparkle.com‘s Website, located at https://timesparkle.com.

By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use Timesparkle.com if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page. When we say “you” or “your” we mean the person visiting our website. “We”, “us” or “our” refers to Timesparkle.com.


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small files that help our site remember you and your preferences. They make it easier for you to use our site. Some of our partners may also use cookies.


We own all the content on Timesparkle.com unless we say otherwise. This includes things like articles, images, and videos. You can only use our content for your personal use and not for anything else like selling or sharing it without our permission.

Posting Comments

You can share your thoughts and information on some parts of our website. We don’t check these comments before they appear. But remember, your comments should be respectful and not break any laws. We can remove any comments that we think are inappropriate.

Links to Our Website

Some organizations can link to our website without asking us first. These include government agencies, search engines, and news organizations. But they must follow some rules, like not misleading people about their connection to us.

If other organizations want to link to our site, they should ask us first. We might say yes if we think it’s okay.

You can link to our homepage using our name or URL. But you can’t use our logo without permission.


You can’t put our website into a frame on your website without asking us first.


We’re not responsible for what appears on other websites that link to us. If you link to our site, you agree to defend us against any claims related to your website. Your website shouldn’t have anything illegal or harmful on it.

Changes to Terms

We might change these rules at any time. If you keep linking to our site, it means you agree to follow the new rules.

Removing Links

If you find a link to our site that you don’t like, you can ask us to remove it. We’ll consider your request, but we don’t have to remove the link.

Accuracy of Information

We try our best to make sure the information on our website is correct. But we can’t guarantee that everything is accurate or up to date.

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